Hello Whatcom County Republican Women,

We hope your Christmas season was special. The end of 2023 is in sight and will soon put this year in the rear view mirror. It was an eventful year in the election cycle with dozens local races all over the county. Overall, it was successful on the city and school board levels, not so much on the countywide. Regardless, we are still grateful to the courageous men and women who chose to step up to run and consequently, many of whom will be serving. Of the offices around the county where the Whatcom Republican Party either recommended or endorsed candidates, 68% of those candidates won. That is notable! As Republican Women, we supported those candidates and made a difference in the outcome through many volunteer hours. THANK YOU! Now we get behind those new elected officials and participate in the "good governance" which we know conservatives offer to the wellbeing of our entire community.
Our club saw tremendous growth and was recognized at the Fall Washington Federation of Republican Women's Board of Directors meeting as the RISING STAR club of the state! We had the greatest percentage of club growth for the year. Thank you for JOINING the momentum and creating such an inviting place for like-minded women to come for fellowship, education and inspiration on all things political.
We ended the year with a truly FUN Christmas Brunch hosted at Kaye Storgaard's Club House in Bellingham. It was a cold and rainy day and the balloons that I tied in the front of the building floated off into the gray skies. However, our members still found their way into the warmth of the club house with their friends. The fireplace was cozy and the whole feeling was festive! Thanks to Claudette Guierren we had a lovely brunch and Kaye and friends created cute take home stockings stuffed with treats. She also had some fun "Reindeer" games, and good natured competition broke out! The space was so lovely we hope that we may have some other events there in the coming year, such as coffees to invite friends to come and learn more about Republican Women.
Welcome to our two newest members who joined and came to the Brunch, Tami Dockter and Mary Shaner!
Speaking of Volunteer Hours, please submit any remaining (unreported hours) for November and December to Bette Ericksen. Her email is
lenanbette@aol.com. We must have these in to the WSRP by Jan 15th, so the sooner the better so she can total them for the report. You are doing great! Remember, if you went to an Election Night party Nov 1 that counts too, you were still supporting the candidates.
January - there is NO luncheon at the Country Club. You can use those extra funds to send in your membership dues if you haven't already. We will send another email next week to remind you. For renewals, Checks made out to RWWC sent to P.O. Box 433 Custer WA 98240.
January 13th Countywide Precinct Caucuses - we will forward the WCRP email with all the precinct locations listed so you may attend yours.
January 18th - Social Luncheon at Bellwood Acre Farms on the Guide. 11:30-1:00. We'll send a reminder to RSVP to Denise Baker later.
February 6th - "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR" RW Luncheon at the Bham County Club. Bring a friend to introduce to our group and to kick off the new year! Emails will go out the week before, but be thinking about who to invite to join us.
Joyful, Hopeful and Thankful,
Jennifer Sefzik
President, RWWC